Hunters Guide

lvl 1 - lvl 20 : Basically you'll be stuck on Trainee Island till about lvl 13 pre epic 3. Could be 15 or 16 now with epic3. Basically i won't recommend you using a lightbow as of now, because it'll only hinder your leveling speed. You will want to gain levels as much as possible because thats where it starts becoming fun.

Lvl 20 - 35 : Just do all your quests in the 3 towns, and it should take you to at least 30+ with Epic3. If you just want to grind, i would recommend grinding on turtles for their slow movement speed. Also, be sure to enchant/upgrade your bow as soon as possible, you need not max your armour for reasons in which i will explain later.

lvl 35 - lvl 45 : Pre epic 3, i didn't really have a choice but to grind till almost lvl 40 on the lafutels in Laksy near ivory tower, but with the inclusion of the Moonlight Dungeon, i would recommend going there to level, reason being, Energy charge which is our primary healing skill don't cut it anymore above lvl 35. So by joining a dungeon party, you will have lesser down time, but of course grinding alone means you're in better financial state, because all drops belong to you, and chances of getting a common pet card is also higher. Also, you could duo with a kahuna till lvl 40 for their heals and buffs will make you an excellent fighter outfield.

lvl 45 - 65 : Just go grind in the Lost Mines dungeon, stick to controller 1 till lvl 53, then controller 2 till 58, controller 3 till 63. And finally grind with a party in controller 4 till at least 65 before you move on to the Crystal Valley dungeon. Sad to say, but there really isnt any other alternative for us hunters, unless you would like to duo with a kahuna/cleric outfield, which i think will be definitely much slower.

lvl 65 onwards : You can start going to CV, but take note that it is a much harder place to reach and therefore your chances of dying on the way there is higher too, especially if you're on a laggy computer. Controller 1 till 72, controller 2 till 75+ and controller 4 when you're 78+. Notice how i missed out on controller 3? Well its because this dungeon seems to have screwed the order of mobs for controller 3 and 4, just go there and see for yourself.

What to do :


If you're in a dungeon party, always contribute chips, at least 100 of em, rk2 for Moonlight dungeon and rk3 for LM and CV. Rk4 chips onwards are needed for con3 and con 4 in CV.


Being an archer, you're gifted the ability of range, the longest one in fact in this game. So therefore you will mostly be required to pull mobs for your party. For most of mine, i will start running to the controller to pull a mob when the current mob is about down to 60% of its life, so there won't be much downtime there. For as far as possible, always try to pull single mobs, although it depends on your party, you could easily pull 2 or 3 of em at the same time. To get single mobs out of a group, aim for the lowest level mob, applies to most of the mobs in Lost Mines, never tried Moonlight but should be similar. In CV, it is abit more complicating, but once you get there with enough experience of pulling, you should know whats best for your party and not. Also, if you had pulled a mob back and your party is still on a mob, stand near your tanker and continue hitting it first if you can't spiracle shock or freeze it, you do have a decent amount of hp, and your cleric should be aware enough to heal you without gaining aggro.

Saving Lives :

Use skills such as spiracle shock shot and freezing arrow to save the lives of others, especially your clerics. I cannot emphasize this point enough, if your cleric dies, your whole party is screwed.

Equipments :

Rk1 Gear - Well, basically not much of a choice here, however i would advise you not to use the rk1 lightbow, because your passives doesn't stack with it, use a 1h dagger/sword with shield or a 2h axe. Don't worry, you won't be staying much in this level range for long.

Rk2 Gear - Wrinkle Bow + Hunter's suit and 2x Dex rings for the added hp/accuracy and dmg. Why a hunter suit when it has lesser defence then a warrior suits some ask? Well because in my opinion, you're not going to tank much, and therefore with the hunter suit you will have more benefits, most notably the accuracy passive. However, please note that you need a jlvl 25 skill called Wearing Archers Suit before you can equip the hunting armour on.

Rk3 Gear - Here, you can choose between the Warrior's Crown or the Hunting Oath, A silverish green or pure red suit respectively. And finally a choice of bows, you have the Emerald bow and the Double bow. Emerald bow can only be found from mobs, so be prepared to pay more and pray that it'll drop for you. For rings, i would recommend 2x ring of illusions. 6agil/6dex each. Pretty good stuff.

Passive Skills: ( for any info on what each of the skills do, please refer to Tanda's post on the skill thread.)

Expert Weapon Mastery - maxed asap
Spiracle use Arts - maxed asap
Spiracle Charge - keep at lvl 1 till you get spiracle shock shot and freezing arrow, because you will be only using 1 spiracle skill.
Long bow training - max asap this skill increases your longbow dmg.
Long Bow practice - max asap this skill increases your longbow atk speed.
Marksmanship Practice - max asap this skill increases your range
HP Increase - learnt till lvl 5 first adds 100hp per lvl i think.
Wearing Archerers Suit - max as soon as you get it, because this will allow you to equip a hunter's suit
Defense Practice - i left this till much later, because as i said, you won't be tanking.
Archerers Concentration - maxed asap, increases your accuracy

Active Skills : ( this will be the skills in you skill bar)

Arrow of Delay - keep it at lvl 3 to access heat shot, a good skill to use, efficient mp cost which makes it spammable. Basically it decreases the movement speed of the enemy.
Loading Restrain - this is a skill that in my opinion, is only good for pvp, so leave it alone till later on when you can actualy do decent pvp around lvl 45 or so.
Heat Shot - Learn it till lvl 3, it is a good early game skill for its burst damage, but very mp taxing.
Energy Charge - max this skill asap, gives you 80hp/12mp per skill level. Basically this is why you can grind till lvl 35 without much downtime.
Spiracle Shock shot - learn this skill till lvl 3, it knockback the mob and stuns it for a certain duration depending on the skill level. Not efficient for grinding due to mp cost and cooldown, good for saving lives including your own.
Virulent Arrow - Basically quite useless outfield, because it does dmg over 60s. Nobody will want to kill a mob in 60s unless its a boss. So keep it at lvl 3 first to access your final skill freezing arrow.
Freezing Arrow - Max it at lvl 3, again a skill used mostly for saving lives due to its cooldown. However, please note that upon freezing, there is a chance to release the mob from its frozen state following a hit.

With all these skills in place, you're free to max your skills as you deem fit, only proceed to Jlvl35 when you feel like it, because right now thunderbolt revelation which seems like an awesome skill is not working, and mental concentration which adds 45% crit ratio is mainly for boss killing and pvp.

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