Tanning For Money Guide

Buying hides and tanning them can be great money! You can tan around 450 hides in 15 minutes so if Green Dragon hide is 1,832gp each and you tan 450 of them in 15 minutes that means you would be making approximately 65,000gp per every 15 minutes. But the cost of Hides change frequently. If you would like to see the current price of Green Dragon hide Click Here.

Step 1:
Buy around 1,000 hides, but every 1,000 Hides you purchase keep 100,000gp in your inventory so you can pay for the Hides to be tanned. Buy the leather from the Grand Exchange or from other players, try to buy for medium in the Grand Exchange and the exact price from other players.

Step 2:
After you have bought some Hides walk to Alkharid which is located North of Lumbridge. You can also find it on the Runescape Map.

Step 3:
Walk to the Alkharid Bank and withdraw 100,000gp and 27 hides, look on the Mini-Map for the Furnace icon, the Tanners Shop where you tan your hides is to the right of it.

Step 4:
Right click Ellis and click "Tan Hides" then right click Green dragon hide, Tan ALL.

Step 5:
Run back to the bank and put the Green D Leather into the bank and Withdraw 27 more Green Dragon Hides.

Do this for as long as you'd like you can make Millions this way as I did.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Is tanning Black Dragonhide or Cowhides good money?
A: Yes, but to make sure they are good money Click Here for the price of Black Dragon hide or Click Here for the price of cowhides, and then check the price of the Hide once they are Tanned, if the tanned is worth more then you will make a good profit.

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